Windermere Ready


Windermere Ready, Powered By HouseAmp, is a platform that streamlines the prepare-to-sell process. Help your clients add value to their listings by simplifying renovations and vendor payments while providing quick access to financing options. This program provides access to third-party lenders with no caps on list price or project size.

Manage Everything in the Platform

From pre-listing tasks to post-inspection repairs, the platform helps keep everyone on the same page throughout the selling cycle.

windermere platform splash

Transparency Into the Process

Your Dashboard is Your Own

windermere agent dashboard mobile

Agent Stories

boxes stacked near a windowsill

How Sherry used it:

She was able to help her elderly client into an assisted living facility and allowed the home renovation projects to be completed.
ladder leaning against the wall with a towel

How Maureen used it:

Her clients did not have a lot of time to sell a house that needed a lot of work. She was able to get providers on board and paid quickly.
boxes stacked in a kitchen with people in the background

How Victor used it:

He helped a military family make their last minute cross-country move as seamless as possible.

More Flexibility Than Ever

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